Back pain: causes and how to treat at home

causes of back pain

An unpleasant back pain accompanies a person from the moment he walks upright. This has many advantages, but the spine has acquired an unevenly distributed load. The greatest pressure is on the lumbar region. Pain in this place is not uncommon, and the cause may not just be the wrong position. Read more about everything further.

Causes of back pain in the lumbar region

Back pain can be acute and painful, constant and episodic, passing or radiating to another place. Back pain can be caused by injuries, violation of nerve endings, deposition of salts in the spine, inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urolithiasis, pancreatitis, intervertebral hernias, muscle problems and some surgical diseases in which pain radiates to the lower part of theback.

To determine the exact cause, the associated symptoms should be considered. This includes fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and skin rashes. When contacting a doctor, a test may be prescribed to get a more informative result.

With lower back pain, first of all, everyone cares about the condition of the spine and this is justified. Pain can be observed for both a short time and months. It can cause pain:

  1. Radiculitis- damage to the nerve processes in the brain in the back. Pain is also felt in the lower limbs with the characteristic "goosebumps", numbness.
  2. Low back pain.It's called low back pain. Suddenly appears during freezing, you can feel the sudden lifting of the load, rotation, in the hand.
  3. Sciaticais ​​an inflammatory phenomenon of the sciatic nerve. It manifests itself in convulsions, moving to the lower back, legs. In women, inflammatory processes of the appendages in a chronic form.
  4. Osteochondrosis (lumbar)occurs not only with a decrease in bone density, cartilage, but also with violation of the nerve endings of the spinal cord.
  5. Spondylosisis ​​accompanied by a decrease in the thickness of the vertebrae, ligamentous weakness, increased bone tissue, which leads to compression of the same nerve endings. As a result: aching pain, weakness in the legs.
  6. Bechterew's disease.Its essence lies in the defeat of the intervertebral joints, which contribute to the functioning of the joints. Pain appears not only in the crest, joints, but also in the eyes. As a result, pain in the lower back and after sore throat or loss of mobility in the joints of the lumbar spine.
  7. Protrusion- a change in the position of the cartilage between the vertebrae resulting in the formation of a hernia, compression of the nerve endings and loss of joint function. This pain can also be felt in the legs.
  8. Stenosis- a decrease in the lumen of the spinal canal. It appears in inflammatory processes (chronic form), which leads to pinching of the nerves. As a result, not only pain appears, but also back cramps. It dims when lying down or sitting, but then reappears.
  9. Scoliosis.The curvature of the spine leads to such pain along with hernia, osteochondrosis.
why the back hurts and what to do

The lumbar spine is the most important part of the spine. When inflammatory processes appear in infectious diseases that cause pain, the process is accompanied by pain in the bones, head, temperature and decreased mobility.

Myositis is accompanied by acute pain, spasms when bending, movement, which appears with hypothermia, strong physical exertion. At rest, this pain disappears, but with movement it renews itself, it is transmitted to the back of the legs.

Tumors in the back of the brain, nerve fibers, and abdominal space also cause lower back pain.

Back pain as a symptom of internal organ pathology

Pain in the girdle often occurs in the event of a malfunction of internal organs, which causes damage to the nerve endings. The unpleasant sensations associated with such pain are observed in people with medical conditions:

  1. Pancreatitis.This is a pancreatic disease that causes severe pain in the back or abdomen. In parallel, the patient has vomiting, diarrhea, and the pressure drops.
  2. Gastrointestinal disorders.This includes ulcerative colitis, intestinal obstruction or inflammation.
  3. Renal inflammation.In this case, there is a persistent pain sensation in the lower back. If the sensations are in the form of contractions, the stones move. There may be frequent urination with darkening of the fluid, blood impurities, chills, fever are also frequent symptoms.

Women in the position should also be careful when such pain occurs, especially in the latter part of pregnancy. During this period, fears are associated with the likelihood of premature birth in the presence of the above diseases and their exacerbation in a pregnant woman.

The back hurts, gives to the leg

Lower back pain and its sensation in different places in the lower limbs indicate different causes.

  • Thigh. The cause is protrusion, prolapse of the spine, tumors, bursitis of the gluteal muscle.
  • Rear leg, which reaches the level of the foot. Along with a feeling of dull disturbance, it appears with neuropathy, pinching of a sciatic nerve.
  • Side leg. The reason is an intervertebral hernia.
  • Meralgia. The outer thigh suffers from compression of the nerve by the inguinal ligament. It occurs most often in pregnant women with weight gain. In addition to pain, goosebumps, tingling and numbness may be felt.
  • Front leg. It appears after operations in the lower abdomen.
  • Knee for orthopedic problems in the hip joint. Influenced by prostate disease in men and by female cancer.

Other diseases described above also cause painful symptoms in the legs.

Back pain in the lumbar region - how to treat

In view of the fact that low back pain occurs due to many serious diseases, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor (therapist, orthopedist, vertebrologist, neurologist) before starting treatment. After the diagnosis, the correct therapy will be prescribed, aimed at eliminating the underlying pathology. Self-medication can only aggravate the situation and, in some cases, lead to surgical intervention.

Drugs are needed in treatment, given:

how to get rid of back pain
  • in the form of injections;
  • analgesics;
  • tablets: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and diuretics to relieve swelling at the site of inflammation;
  • ointments, gels, homeopathic remedies.

Vitamin complexes, as well as the use of a special medical device, will not be superfluous.

Back pain: treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies are also actively used to achieve a therapeutic effect at home. It is important here to apply the procedures correctly, based on your disease. The following folk remedies and methods are considered effective:

  • Exposure to heat and cold on a heating pad. This has a short-term effect, but doctors don't particularly recommend this method.
  • Medicinal herbs. They are characterized by anti-inflammatory effects. Pay attention to the willow bark from which the decoction is made and taken as a drink.
  • Chillies containing capsain are applied to the affected area to relieve pain.
  • Compress of horseradish, radish and sour cream or based on collection of chamomile, black elderberry, St. John's wort, thyme.
  • Physiotherapy, massage, swimming, walking are also needed, but the massage must be performed by a specialist.

This article explains only the causes of back pain. If there is a problem, it should be remembered that folk remedies can have a temporary effect, and for optimal results, you should at least consult a doctor and be systematically treated. After all, each disease has its own causes, so the treatment is different.